2016, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part E
Sociocultural Reproduction: Implications for Physical Education Teacher Education
Author(s): Justin A. Haegele, Jihyun Lee, Seung Ho Chang, Kijeong Kim
Abstract:Sociocultural reproduction can be thought of as anrnunequal distribution of resources across classes from one generation to thernnext. Also, it can be mediated by the educational system. This phenomenon canrnbe perpetuated by actions with social power while acting as oppressive forrnindividuals based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or ability/ disability.rnUnfortunately, people in the education system including the school settings whornare involved in reproducing social order typically do not understand the socialrnsorting that school imparts on students. In addition, they participate in thisrnprocess unconsciously. Physical education (PE) is also a potential settingrnwhere sociocultural reproduction can occur. The significant responsibility ofrnphysical education teacher education (PETE) programs is teaching thisrnphenomenon to PE teacher candidates to decrease the likelihood of itsrncontinuance. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe socioculturalrnreproduction and to provide implications for PETE.
Pages: 277-280 | 1704 Views 195 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Justin A. Haegele, Jihyun Lee, Seung Ho Chang, Kijeong Kim. Sociocultural Reproduction: Implications for Physical Education Teacher Education. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(1):277-280.