P-ISSN: 2394-1685 | E-ISSN: 2394-1693 | CODEN: IJPEJB
Title and Authors Name |
Poor posture and its causes Banish Kumar Pages: 177-178 - Viewed: 2827 - Downloaded: 975 |
Neuroticism of cricket players in relation to their sports achievement Dr. Rajesh Boora Pages: 179-182 - Viewed: 1955 - Downloaded: 357 |
Effect of specific yogic exercises and combination of specific yogic exercises with autogenic training on selected biochemical variables of climacteric women Dr. P Vanithamani Pages: 183-188 - Viewed: 1952 - Downloaded: 200 |
Influence of core functional training on leg strength and flexibility among high school soccer players N ChandraKumar, Dr. C Ramesh Pages: 189-191 - Viewed: 1812 - Downloaded: 212 |
Elite athletes’ perception of retirement support systems Ana Lúcia Padrão dos Santos, MaressaD'Paula G Rosa Nogueira, Maria Tereza Silveira Böhme Pages: 192-199 - Viewed: 3647 - Downloaded: 588 |
The study of acceleration capacity decrease in repeated 30m sprints Riccardo Izzo, Valerio Morello Zenatello Pages: 200-208 - Viewed: 2378 - Downloaded: 568 |
Women in NCAA athletic administration positions after title IX Luis G Estrada, Sheila Lugo, Roberto Olmeda Pages: 209-212 - Viewed: 1943 - Downloaded: 327 |
A study of the relationship between physical fitness and health profile to academic achievement Didi Sunadi, Andreanus Andaja Soemardji, Tommy Apriantono, Komar Ruslan Wirasutisna Pages: 213-218 - Viewed: 1944 - Downloaded: 267 |
A study of anxiety in female Kho-Kho, kabaddi and softball intercollegiate players Tangarani Pages: 219-222 - Viewed: 1869 - Downloaded: 263 |
Comparative study on physical fitness between physical education students and general students Dr. Kalidas Karak, Tapas Mandal Pages: 223-226 - Viewed: 2425 - Downloaded: 774 |
Analysis of strss vulnerability of boxing male players at different level of category Amit Kumar Pages: 227-228 - Viewed: 1914 - Downloaded: 172 |
Cardiovascular fitness between sports women and non-sports women: Comparative study Sunil Kumar Pages: 229-231 - Viewed: 1771 - Downloaded: 196 |
Relationship of selected kinematic variables with the performance of basketball players in layup shot Dr. Praveen Kumar Pages: 232-234 - Viewed: 1619 - Downloaded: 417 |