2016, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part C
A comparative analysis on motor fitness between university level cricket and softball players
Author(s): Shantanu Singh Kakran, Dr. Keshav Singh Gurjar
Abstract:Fitness is one of the most important components of individual performance capacity. But demand of different sports is somewhat different from one another. The demand of physical fitness may not be equal for cricket players and softball players, due to the size of play field, duration and nature of these ball games. Keeping on view in the present study the researcher has intended to observe the difference in motor fitness and its component between two groups of players. 24 University level players of Jiwaji University under 21 to 25 years of age group from cricket and softball were selected as the subject of the present study. Each group consist of 12 numbers of subjects. To measure the Motor fitness of the players Barrow Motor ability test (short form) were conducted through standard procedure. After collecting the data to observe the difference between the groups T test was conducted. On the basis of the results following conclusion were drawn. In agility cricket players were better than softball players. In case of leg explosive strength cricket players and softball players were more or less equal. In arm and shoulder strength softball players were better than cricket players. In total fitness cricket players were better than softball players.
Pages: 153-154 | 2040 Views 306 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Shantanu Singh Kakran, Dr. Keshav Singh Gurjar. A comparative analysis on motor fitness between university level cricket and softball players. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2016;3(1):153-154.