2015, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part F
Management model for study physical education and sports at school, college and university level
Author(s): Rather Hilal Ahmad
Abstract:As the saying goes – “Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness”. In most of the schools, physical education is part of the curriculum. Apart from maintaining physical fitness, it includes training & development and care of the human body. It helps a person sharpen overall cognitive abilities and motor skills through athletics, exercise and various other physical activities. Seeing its benefits for the body and its effect on life, the importance of physical education can’t be ignored. I think physical Education is a part of the entire system of Education and also school ducation. A programme of physical Education is successful if the needs, capacities, capabilities and interest of the students are given due importance and they are being given chance to flourish in such an environment where they feel the kings of the states and can perform freely. Physical education inculcates in children the importance of maintaining a healthy body and teaches them the importance of regular fitness activity in daily routine, which in turn keeps them happy and energized in their day-today lives. "Physical Education when well taught, can contribute more to the goals of general education than can any other school subject. Physical education plays a great emphasis on our lives they play leading role in attaining a holistic life. They also play basic and leading role in the school education system (S.E.S.) and how to make school physical education in line with the trends and direction of school education is a practical and urgent problem which lies in front of many physical educators. Based on the above debate, we can say that it becomes an imperial duty for the school administration to impart and manage physical education programs in such a way that it can reach to its decedents.The researcher tries to make further research on the problem of physical education model concept and strategies of the constructional physical education program by summarizing the documents, interviewing the experts, logic inference and so on. At the same time, researcher tries to give a management model of physical education program which if implemented at school level it will develop the physical education program to a great extent. By applying this model, we make theoretical basis to better complete physical education goals and improve teaching quality and can enrich the theoretical basis of our school physical education program management model (P.E.P.M.M.).
Pages: 351-355 | 1707 Views 266 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rather Hilal Ahmad. Management model for study physical education and sports at school, college and university level. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2015;2(2):351-355.