2015, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part E
Breathing techniques- A review
Author(s): Subin Solomen, Pravin Aaron
Abstract:Physiotherapy should be offered to patients with a variety of medical respiratory conditions with the aim of breathlessness management and symptom control, mobility and function improvement or maintenance, and airway clearance and cough enhancement or support. Breathing exercises is used as strategy in Lung expansion therapy, Bronchial hygiene therapy and PT techniques to reduce work of breathing. Breathing exercises can be classified as inspiratory and expiratory as some exercise stresses more of inspiration while some stresses expiration. Breathing exercises are used in Restrictive as well as obstructive conditions. In restrictive types of disorders Deep Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing, End – Inspiratory hold, Sustained Maximal Inspiration, Slow Maximal Inspiration, Incentive Spirometer, Sniff, Segmental (Apical and Lateral Costal Activity) are commonly used. Abdominal Breathing, Air Shift Breathing, Glossopharyngeal Breathing are commonly effective in spinal cord injuries. Stacked Breathing, Air Shift Breathing are used in localized and generalised atelectasis of upper lobe respectively. Chest mobility exercises and Belt exercises are used to prevent the formation of disabling adhesions between two layers of pleura. Active cycle breathing technique and Autogenic Drainage are commonly used for clearance of secretions. Breathing Control Technique, Innocenti Technique, Pursed Lip Breathing are used during acute exacerbation and End – Expiratory hold, Buteyko Breathing, Exhale With Activity, Stressed Respiratory Exercises, Panting, Pacing are commonly used when the subjects are in stable phase. Inspiratory Muscle Training, Isocapnic Hyper Ventilation, Inspiratory Resistive Training, Inspiratory Threshold Training are used to improve strength and endurance of respiratory muscles. Breathing Cycle Technique is used in chronic hyperventilation where there is breathlessness without an organic cause. This update has made as a result of the need to clarify the effectiveness of different types of breathing exercise in respiratory conditions. This guideline gives valuable information about different types of breathing exercise in management of respiratory conditions to all respiratory physicians and physiotherapists working in respiratory care.
Pages: 237-241 | 3305 Views 1326 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Subin Solomen, Pravin Aaron. Breathing techniques- A review. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2015;2(2):237-241.