2015, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part B
Development through Sports and Child Education in Indian Context
Author(s): Asish Paul, Gopa Saha Roy
Abstract:Education, Economic growth, Health status, Communication, Level of Women, Nutrition, Childhood status, Standard of Product and Services etc. are the different dimensions of development. The four major accepted areas of developmental process are Economic development, Basic Physiological needs, daily well-being and Communication. To identify the proper developmental pattern Employment, Education, Health facilities, Food, Drinking Water, House, Road, and Public Vehicle etc. are should be taken into consideration. Although the fundamental input to the overall developmental process is nothing but the Economic Growth, the basic objective of development should target the expansion of individual capabilities in own social context. Development of Human Being as a whole should be judged by the development of the Human Resources through Social, Intellectual, Mental and Physical spectrum targeted to create the quality in the whole population. Play starting from the Childhood later may be considered as the movement activity in different intensity can be considered as one of the best practice to develop the Human Resources irrespective of age, sex, culture, fiscal condition, ethnicity or geographical location. Sports, the highest form play now transformed its original characteristics and converted into one of the mainstream sector of Business Industry which ultimately showered as the Business & Merchandising, Social well-being, Nation Pride & Glory and Intellectual development. It is found from the above discussion that to be in the base of the developmental hierarchy pyramid child education and sports in the form of play and with different positive social continuum must be taken into consideration. The childhood education and sports can be delivered in homes from infancy and in School to University; in the work place; and in society also in later life.
Pages: 77-79 | 1847 Views 298 DownloadsDownload Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Asish Paul, Gopa Saha Roy. Development through Sports and Child Education in Indian Context. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2015;2(1):77-79.