2015, Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part B
Selected anthropometric and physical fitness measures as predictors of performance in 400 meters track event
Author(s): Lakha Singh, Ashok Kumar Malik
Abstract:The purpose of the study was conduct to determine the selected anthropometric and physical fitness measures as predictors of performance in400 meters track event. Sports play an important role in the development of an individual and human civilization. The first sports, such as hunting and running, grew out of the need for survival. Others developed from religious rites. Anthropometry is the application of measurements to the study of human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross functions. Physical fitness as some aspects of desired life has a closer relationship to physical health, but it has a concept more comprehensive than physical aspects so that, without health, one can not at all gain full physical fitnes. The present study was carried out on fifty male athletes, who were participated in All India Inter-university. Selected anthropometric parameters were measured by standard equipment. Linear measurement, researcher used Anthropometric rod, girth of the subject’s flexible steel tape was used, skin fold measurement of the subject’s skin fold caliper was used and diameters were measures with the help of Sliding Caliper. Collect the data for physical fitness of male athletes, AAPHER youth fitness test (1976) was used. The selected anthropometric variables were taken for the study (Height, leg length, shoulder circumference, hip circumference, shoulder diameter, elbow diameter, thigh skin fold, biceps skin fold). To find out the relationship, Pearson`s Product Moment Correlation was applied. For testing hypothesis, level of significance was set at .05 level. Combined Contribution of selected Anthropometric and Physical fitness Variables to the 400 meter Event Performance. It is evident from the combined contribution of the height, Thigh length, Shoulder diameter, Ankle diameter, thigh circumference, calf circumference triceps skin fold, Thigh skin fold and physical fitness variables (50 yards dash, 600 yards run and Shuttle Run 10x4m, Arms pull-ups) are significantly related to the performance in 400 meter sprint. Therefore athlete who got highest performance in 400 meter sprint test has significant relationship between the selected anthropometric and physical fitness variables. It is proved that these anthropometric and physical fitness variables help to increase 400 meter sprint performance.
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How to cite this article:
Lakha Singh, Ashok Kumar Malik. Selected anthropometric and physical fitness measures as predictors of performance in 400 meters track event. Int J Phys Educ Sports Health 2015;1(4):70-72.